Licensing Q&A: What is an annual report and when is it due?
30 June 2022
All licenced labour hire providers are required to pay an annual fee and lodge an annual report with the Labour Hire Authority (LHA) each year in order to maintain their licence.
Under the Labour Hire Licensing Act 2018, it is a condition for every licensed labour hire provider to report to the LHA on their labour hire activities for the previous 12 months. Annual reporting helps us ensure we have current information to better understand providers, and to monitor and enforce compliance.
The nominated officer of the licensed provider is required to complete the annual report through their LHLO account.
For most providers annual reporting is short and simple. In developing the annual reporting process, the Authority considered feedback from the labour hire licence application process and made annual reporting more straightforward and easier to use.
To help licensed providers collect the information and supporting documents needed to complete their annual reporting, the LHA has published an annual reporting guide and checklist
Non-compliance puts providers’ licences at risk, harms workers and disadvantages lawful businesses
Failing to comply with a licence condition, like annual reporting, may result in sanctions including licence conditions, suspensions and cancellations.
Providers who fail to comply with a licence condition may also face penalties.
Visit the Annual Reporting page to find out more about annual reporting and the information that must be included in these reports.