
There are obligations associated with being a labour hire host under the Labour Hire Licensing Act 2018 (Vic) (LHL Act).

Find out more about the obligations, penalties for non-compliance, and how to report an issue.

What is a labour hire host?

A labour hire host is a business that engages workers through a labour hire provider.

Workers supplied to perform certain activities are also considered labour hire workers, including:

  • cleaning commercial premises
  • performing certain horticulture activities
  • performing certain activities in a meat or poultry manufacturing or processing plant.

More information about key labour hire industries, along with tailored guidance material, is available on the Key labour hire industries page.

A business in any industry that engages workers through a labour hire provider is also considered a labour hire host. To find out more about labour hire providers, visit the Providers page.

Hosts must only engage licensed labour hire providers – having applied for a licence is not sufficient.

We have created tools to help make checking these details easier for hosts. Via these tools, hosts can:

  • find licensed providers
  • check applications
  • follow their providers to receive updates if things change.

For more information, please visit the Check a provider’s licence status page.

Offences and penalties

There are significant penalties for breaches of the LHL Act. For more information, please visit the Penalties page.

Other obligations

As well as obligations under labour hire law, hosts can be liable for a provider’s contraventions under workplace and migration law, and have shared responsibility for workplace safety.

Objections to the issue of a licence

All providers applying for a new or renewed labour hire licence are assessed in relation to their compliance with a range of relevant state and commonwealth laws, and whether they are a fit and proper person to hold a licence.

In addition, a person or organisation who has an interest in the protection of workers or the integrity of the labour hire industry, such as a host, may object to a licence being issued or renewed. 

Objections can be made by clicking on ‘Raise an objection to this application’ next to the provider’s licence application on the Received Labour Hire Application public register.

Monitoring the licensing scheme

The Labour Hire Authority has a team of inspectors whose role is to:

  • promote
  • monitor
  • investigate
  • enforce compliance with the LHL Act and Labour Hire Licensing Regulations 2018 (Vic).

Where there are reasonable grounds, inspectors have the power to:

  • require documents to be produced
  • require information to be provided
  • enter and search
  • examine and seize anything suspected of being connected with a possible contravention of the LHL Act or Regulations
  • inspect, copy, or take extracts from documents on the premises and make images or recordings
  • seek the assistance of other persons
  • where necessary, apply to the Magistrates' Court for a search warrant.

Hosts may be investigated or required to produce documents in relation to their use of labour hire providers.

Report a problem

The Labour Hire Authority works with other state and commonwealth agencies to protect the rights of labour hire workers in Victoria.

You can help protect labour hire workers by reporting concerns or information about:

  • mistreated labour hire workers
  • unlicensed labour hire providers
  • hosts engaging unlicensed labour hire providers
  • unlawful behaviour or misconduct by labour hire providers.

If you would like to report a problem to LHA, please visit the Report a problem page.

Further resources

For a list of useful resources regarding the Labour Hire Authority and the licensing scheme, please visit the Resources page.