LHA cancels provider’s licence after failure to meet annual reporting obligations
21 December 2021
The Labour Hire Authority (LHA) recently cancelled the labour hire licence of a provider supplying workers to the IT industry for failing to complete their annual reporting.
Under the Labour Hire Licensing Act 2018 (Vic), it is a condition for every licensed labour hire provider to report to the LHA on their labour hire activities for the previous 12 months. Annual reporting helps us ensure we have current information to better understand providers, and to monitor and enforce compliance.
The provider was contacted several times through telephone and written correspondence before LHA issued a show cause notice outlining our intention to cancel the provider’s licence. After the provider failed to respond to the correspondence and complete their annual reporting, the provider’s licence was cancelled on 2 December 2021.
This licensing action follows an earlier warning putting providers on notice for overdue annual reporting.
Annual reporting
For most providers, annual reporting is a short and simple process completed through their LHLO account. The LHA has also developed a guide and checklist to help providers with completing their annual reporting.
Failing to comply with a licence condition, like annual reporting, may result in sanctions including licence conditions, suspensions and cancellations, or a maximum penalty of $36,348 for a natural person or $145,392 for a corporation.
For more information on annual reporting and the information that you must report on, visit: labourhireauthority.vic.gov.au/provider/annual-reporting